Bob Griffin Art

                                               Lock 19   watercolor   18 x 24


                         " A day without art is a day wasted" - Buddy Ebsen

At age seventeen I decided art was for me. I followed up by earning a BA in fine arts from U of Maryland. There I studied figure drawing, watercolor and oil painting, printmaking including lithograph and woodcut, and stone sculpture. Right out of college I began working as a piano technician and builder. Having craftmanship as a backbone to my creative output has been a great asset. Restoration and fabrication allowed me to work with my hands and afforded me the flexibility and time to dedicate to my art. 

I was initially drawn to the landscape, particularly those with water elements. This lead me to finding and painting in Great Falls National Park. A beautiful place perfectly suited for capturing the turbulence of water and it's indelible mark on a formidable landscape. I was fortunate to have one of my paintings displayed in the Smithsonian on the National Mall, representing Great Falls as part of the Arts For The Parks National Juried Competition ( pictured here ). Great Falls continues to be a source of inspiration for it's combination of geology, history and stark beauty.

Expanding from plein air to the studio, I developed my taste for the figurative, abstractions and beyond. I have many artist heroes, whom I look to for inspiration. I carry that with me on my lifelong mission of discovering and finessing techniques and mediums in the pursuit of joy and wonderment.



SELF PORTRAIT  oil on canvas 36 x 24